My Top 5 Tips For Family Photo Sessions.
Let's be honest, planning a professional family photoshoot can be a little daunting. During your session it is my mission to make it relaxed and fun, and not just for the kids. I mean this is time with your family that should be enjoyable!
So let me share with you a few of my key tips that can really set us up for success.
5 - Time
When you first book with me we will discuss when you would like your session. I don't block book, every session is bespoke to you. So if you know that your small people are better first thing in the morning, then I will meet you then. If they are better in an afternoon, then afternoon it is. You know your kids and I will wiggle our schedule around when suits them the best. With really young children who might require a nap, book your session when you think will have had a chance to nap, be rested and refreshed, rather than desperately need one and be feeling cranky.
Honestly, just talk to me about what's best for your family.

4 - Weather
None of us can control the weather, but dressing for it can really help. Always opt for layering long tops, jumpers and open jackets rather than big coats in cooler weather. When its changeable, have thin layers in a backpack that I can carry. Cold kids are usually miserable and hot kids are usually .... pretty miserable.

3 - Location, Location, Location
I spend a lot of time talking to families about where we are going to go on our family photo adventure. The best spots are ones that have meaning to the families, the ones they feel connected to. Usually the small people love showing me their favourite spots. But if you can't pick a location that holds a special connection to your family then I always have suggestions.
The considerations are always how far is your small one able and willing to walk and what interests them?
Would a walk in the woods looking for the Gruffalo tick their box? Climbing trees? Collecting pine cones? Would they like to climb up rocks and explore somewhere different? Do we need to find somewhere with a playground so they can burn off some steam on the swings?
Really choosing a location that fits with your family is so important and I will always help you do that.

2 - Food
Ok, this one is barely even a tip, but its ridiculously important.
The small people get hangry, feed and water them before the session. Bring snacks, we can have a pit stop. I'm not stood with a stop watch. I am not apposed to cheeky chocolate to keep them on side. In fact I usually bring a chocolate treat to thank your little people for being such awesome photographers assistants.
Oh on that note, I always ask you if its ok if I give them a treat after the session, if you rather I didn't that is completely fine. And if your little one is dairy free or has any intolerances please do let me know before our session, I would hate to turn up to the party unprepared.

1 - Don't stress!
Many a family session has struggled through stressed parents, who want everything to be perfect. But lets be honest, life, especially life with little ones is always messy perfection. We all get there in the end.
Just go with the flow, don't worry too much about having perfectly coordinated outfits, I can help if you are worried about what to wear. keep it simple, not too much pattern, no big logos or slogans, Wear something smart but comfortable if you feel like making the effort.
But most of all make you and your children feel happy and comfortable.
If there's a fall, and ripped tights or muddy knees, don't stress it. In the words of my mother "that's what a washing machine was made for" I can promise you that when you get your photos back you won't care about a bit of muck, just happy faces having fun.

Lean into it!
Lean into how much you love your family, cuddle them, stroke their hair, hold their hands, attack them with your love! They will laugh and love you back, I promise. I will be there to capture these little moments that will encapsulate this moment in their childhood and in your parenthood.
I play, I'm silly, its part of my job to earn the trust of your small ones, so don't worry, I'm struggling to think of a time I've not built trust and gotten beautiful pictures. It is quite rational they they are wary of me, I am a stranger, I don't force them to smile or make them pose and perform. I won't be offended if they hide and need some time and some space to relax into the moment.
Remember they will never be this little again. Today is the day to book that session and let me make this daunting moment a little less so. I specialise in fun, relaxed and natural family photography throughout Sheffield and South Yorkshire, so pop me an email, reach out on socials and maybe I can help you to see that a family photo session with me is an adventure you will never regret.
P.S. - I practice what I preach, scroll back to the top, the first four pictures are shots I've taken out with my family. Lean into the love.